Wretched Wretail Wrealities

Thursday, September 02, 2004


So there's this girl at work, we'll call her Larry (because that's absurd), who I can't quite figure out. Once upon a time she did my job but now she's website photo and copy writing girl. She gets her own section of the warehouse for photographing so we only see her maybe four times a day when she's clocking in/out (yes I work with a timeclock). She also comes in to our office on occasion to directly speak to the girl who works next to me.

At first I thought - OK she hates me. But that's obviously irrational so I revamped it to 'OK she just needs to warm up to people like I do.'

So I think we're sorta feeling each other out.

The other day she came in and told us (while looking at the other girl) "You need to buy a lottery ticket." Then, in typical Erin fashion, I looked blankly at my computer screen and the other girl kinda snickered. So, feeling rejected, Larry left. I felt bad about this silence...but I've still been avoiding her.

She also kinda intimidates me in this 'cool but silent' way. I try not to go down aisles in the warehouse where she can see me for fear she'll see me not able to reach something and looking like an idiot.

But like I said... we're feeling each other out. The other day I asked her, "So did you buy that lottery ticket?" And she said she had but her friends had "laughed at her" just like we did. Ah hah! So she thought I laughed at her! I corrected her with, "Hey I would have done it if I had a dollar!" Then I told her I'd split a ticket with her (if she won I'd give her 50 cents).

This week she made contact with me by saying, "Aren't you hot in that?" referring to my sweater.



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