Wretched Wretail Wrealities

Friday, January 21, 2005


I was fed up with Mario and eager to have lunch with the "guys" in the lunch room. Danny was napping on the couch which left me with Rollo and Thomas. They were apparently having their usual heated discussion but since I don't know sign... I just always think they're talking about me.

Thomas makes about as much effort as I do at communicating with me so we usually just use the smile and nod approach to our day.

Rollo, on the other hand, likes to talk. There was a news story on today (we watch the news mostly because it has the rolling tagline for the guys to read because the TV doesn't have closed captioning) about terrorist threats in Boston. Rollo was trying to tell me something about it.... he was making exploding hand gestures... then he finally spelled out B...U...S....S... I was utterly lost so he did it again... B....U....S....S... at which point I realized it was H not S... it was BUSH. Rollo hates Bush!!! He then shook his head and said some other things which I took to mean "Stupid president. This wouldn't be happening if it wasn't for him!"

He's a cool deaf guy.


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