Wretched Wretail Wrealities

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Exampe Girl

Here's one of those reasons why you shouldn't return stuff just because you changed your mind:

A chick orders a bunch of Wonder Woman stuff from Alaska... her subtotal is 48.00 but her shipping is expensive ($26.) because she's ordered a bunch of large items and we can't ship UPS to Alaska so she had to pay U.S. mail prices. Her total was $74.50.

So.. she had a fight with whomever or whatever and decided "I'm not going to give this person these gifts anymore!" and returned the items to us. She paid another $14 for return shipping with her little note "Decided Not To Give As Gift" (I added the "").

So we refund her for the items... 48.00. So in the end she paid $40.00 to be huffy.

I'm sure there's a person dying for Wonder Woman stuff in Alaska..... EBAY lady!

Of course... she could've been dumped... and that's sad. Or worse! But we won't go there...


Now I'm depressed on mysterious (allegedly huffy) lady's behalf.


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