Wretched Wretail Wrealities

Monday, November 22, 2004


(From a Phone Conversation)

Her: I received two rolls of toilet paper but I only wanted one. How do I return the one I didn't want?
Me: So we accidentally shipped you two?
Her: No, I called to cancel it.
Me: I show two orders for you.
Her: No I cancelled it.
Me: I show one that was shipped and then refunded. The second was a phone order though so you called this order in.
Her: Yes but I didn't want it.
Me: So you got two rolls of toilet paper but you you didn't mean to order either?
Her: No.
Me: But you called this order in.
Her: Yes, but I was calling to cancel it.
Me: Well, I guess you can just keep the second roll of toilet paper.


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