Wretched Wretail Wrealities

Thursday, September 30, 2004


I believe in the patterns of Chaos. Synchronicity shows up EVERYDAY at work. I work with orders from different people in different parts of the world and these patterns continue to emerge. If I were a genius-type I'd consider making a chart and graphing it. For example... we'll go several weeks with no problems with UPS 2-Day and 3-Day shipments and then on one day we'll have several UP2/UP3 orders from different people/different parts of the nation where they've ordered Back Ordered items and I have to call them all. Today two people ordered...one in the U.S. and one in Ireland and they both live in "North" something or other and they both listed their city as "N." whatever. Yeah its common - but two out of 80 orders on one day when it hasn't happened before? A couple of weeks ago three people listed their phone number as (000) 000-0000 on one day. Its weird!

Now the point of this is.... whole bunch of hurricanes in Florida, whole bunch of earthquakes in California and Mt. St. Helen's about to blow - that's a pattern!

Yesterday I asked the boss "Do we have any earthquake supplies here?" Nope! "But the shelves are bolted! Stuff will fall off but the shelves won't fall down." Then thirty minutes later the warehouse guys moved around some unbolted shelves..... I'm so doomed.


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