Wretched Wretail Wrealities

Monday, November 29, 2004

The fabulous tales of Andre

I know Mario and I are on good footing again because I believe I've heard 25 stories about Andre and Gabe since Saturday.

Today I called another website and listened intently to their background noise and how somebody "printed something twice so we accidentally sent you two shipments." That was fun...they have a fabulous looking site but are probably just two or three people on the order end too.

I remember being surprised when I started here... "you mean people actually look at all the orders?" Let that be a lesson to you - yes - we look at ALL the orders. So when you do something rediculous like use a fake gift certificate to buy 100 of the same $100 statues - its not just a computer looking at your order. Would you sell 100 statues to someone with a gift certificate value of $2.? Yeah - we're the fraud squad and we KNOW that Nigeria is not in Florida and Indonesia is not in Australia!

(And we also know when you're sending kinky after-nookie presents with suggestive gift messages.) (That hasn't happened yet.. but I'd know if it did!)


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