Wretched Wretail Wrealities

Friday, November 26, 2004

Sprouts of loathing

Mario has been evil this week... using the opportunties of absentee bosses and little office elfs that treat her like a cool boss and speak only Spanish to her... to talk down to me and add new tasks to my order proofing. Here's the thing though - she's not my boss. She's not a supervisor. She was offered a supervisor position and she turned it down. Until this month I've been deferring to experience because she's been here a few months longer than me but I'm pretty confident now. I gave her an inch by "deferring to her experience" a couple of times with the new girls present but now every time I tell them to do something a certain way - she'll tell them that's wrong. Actually she doesn't know what's wrong or right - she only knows the way that she's been doing it - which is the way she's done it "so she won't get in trouble if she does it wrong" or so she "won't have to worry about it later." She actually has no concern for the customers - just concern about what she can cancel or not do without the bosses' noticing. That's my observation anyway.

I gave her the benefit of the doubt on Monday since she'd missed half the day due to paying a ticket. I gave her the benefit of the doubt on Tuesday since her son had been sick all night. She loosened up a bit on Wednesday but she's still been bitchy to me and we're currently "not speaking" (in an unstated agreement).

And to think.... when we first started becoming friendly I thought, "How is it that people can end up hating their co-workers? I can't imagine hating Mario." Hatred is currently building within me.....


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