Wretched Wretail Wrealities

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

New News

So as it turns out... Larry is actually not "Art & Copy" girl... she's actually just "Art & Misc. webmastering" girl. Brad is really the guy that writes the copy and he's decided to give me an opportunity at the menial creativity! This means I'll get the occasional chance to write the item descriptions!

Today was my first test as he gave me his guidelines and then said "go ahead." I thought I should do some drafts and submit for his approval but he just wanted me to go at it on the site! Then he left. For some reason this TERRIFIED ME!!! This really shouldn't be scary as I write descriptively rather well... but I dunno! I got all jittery and nervous and then panicked. I don't know anything about these products!!!

I opted for safety and wrote three descriptions for some disney patches. I know Disney!

But what am I gonna do about Family Guy and Speed Racer and Teen Titans.... I know OF them... I don't know ABOUT them. Give me the Edward Scissorhands stuff and I'll be fine... but what the hell is KAWS and his graffitti art??


  • For Family guy i say inquire with dave as he watches his dvd sets for fun on weekends... I think he watches teen titans as well. As for Speed racer, I LOVE speed racer! Go Speed racer... Go Speed racer... Go Speed Racer GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! (fyi that's the theme song)

    By Blogger Taysha, at 10:59 AM  

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