Wretched Wretail Wrealities

Monday, February 28, 2005


IRC in my world is the "Internet Relay Call" which is intended for deaf and hard of hearing customers. However, Internet Relay Call is also great for throaty-voiced, Nigerian accented old dudes that want to call me up and place an order under the name of Susan Smith.

Let's just not bother wasting my time people... I am the Fraud Slayer after all! The IRC call takes like 30-40 minutes only for you to try and order a quantity of Star Wars sports jerseys and then for me to burst your bubble by telling you I only have one and that you ain't getting them anyway.

I think our sports jerseys in 2x size attract the fraud-scalper-types. A friend of mine worked at a store where they discontinued selling the 40 oz beers because the because the neighborhood started gathering a bad "element." We should probably do the same to get rid of our "elementals."


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