Wretched Wretail Wrealities

Monday, March 28, 2005


There was nothing... a dryness of customer humor and then today I found some things funny. It could be that I've been so wrapped up in my detestation of Mario that customer funnies couldn't break through my exterior haze of hatred... or they were just taking a break.

So without further ado:

Gift Message:
I don't understand this?? gift message?

Gift Message:

html> br> /html>

Gift Message:
Lots of love your own munster.
(????? LOTS of "love your own munster". LOTS OF LOVE your own munster. LOTS OF LOVE YOUR OWN munster. ??????)

Customer Search term: "shift knob pistol"

Customer Search term: "pocket bird carrier"
Pocket bird carrier????? Is this a carrier for Pocket Birds.... or a carrier that fits in your pocket for birds? This sounds unusually cruel unless you have an airy pocket and a sedated hummingbird. I just had to search for this on my own... and I found one... and this DOES NOT fit in a pocket!!!!:


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