Wretched Wretail Wrealities

Friday, September 10, 2004


So the customers were relatively humorless this week...maybe the holiday or the impending Sept. 11 anniversary made them quiet down.

The funniest thing was this:

Q: How did you hear about us?
A: Your mom

Apart from this... still no real breakthrough in conversation with Larry. She did again tell me I looked hot in my jacket...

Yesterday people kept coming up to me and saying:

Mario actually said - "I'm not listening to you. I can't stop staring at your eye."

Geez - it was a little irritated. I had no idea it was so shocking. It's not like it was swollen and gross or anything. It was just red. Had it been both eyes you would have thought I'd been crying but nope... just a little scratch or something. Today it looks like some sort of superhero logo - greenish circle in the middle (being my pupil and stuff) with a thick red line going straight across the middle. It looked kind of like this (not really but its the closest I could find after scouring throug hundreds of "circle logo" results on Google Images).

Today I was finally inducted into the company and given my own company t-shirt! Yay!


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