Wretched Wretail Wrealities

Friday, December 10, 2004

EQoftheD *New*

This happened later in the day and it was better than the previous EQoftheD!

Elph: This lady is a big Finding Nemo fan and she wants to know if there is another word for car seat covers because she says she keeps typing it into the search engine and porn comes up.
Me: What is she typing? Fishy seats?


Joe (to the high school kids working in the warehouse):
"Did you come from retarded school?"


A customer clicked in after searching for "eyelash yarn."

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

EQoftheD 3

Mario (two months ago): "I can't say that "TH" sound!"

Mario (yesterday): "Its cold! My coat is too tin!"

EQoftheD 2

A quote from today:

Nile (one of the high school girls) to a customer: "So you don't want the Puss?"


A new segment - Employee Quote of the Day

This happened last week:

Elph: Where's Brad?
Me: Up your butt.

Mostly it was the actual use of the retro comeback "Up Your Butt and Around The Corner" that caused the entertainment. I now predict that Elph will wittily retort that to one of her high school cohorts and the phrase will be revived! And it all started with me!


Q: How did you hear about us?
A: I imagined you.