Wretched Wretail Wrealities

Wednesday, February 16, 2005


They call me the Fraud Slayer because I've been known to track and kill fraudulent orders and fraudulent customers before they can inflict any damage. Most frauds lived in the land of Electronic Checks. We have since banished the ECheck customers from our site!

Its really no fun when you order $3,000 worth of ONE item and don't even bother to enter a real address. What is the point of that?


Last week Mario and I got in a little snippy argument which I will now re-enact:

(Background Info: Our system does not recognize credit card expiration dates past 2010. Back in my early days here Mario would hand me a credit card that did not process and say "Please e-mail the customer about this expiration date" and I would. I figured she did this because she A) was processing and couldn't and/or B) didn't know how to phrase it in good English. I eventually asked Brad to compose a standard "Your expiration date is stupid" e-mail which he did. After this Mario continued to hand me these orders and I thought "maybe she doesn't read her memos and doesn't know this e-mail exists now" so I brought it up one day. Mario snippily replied "Well I just thought you could help me out. But if you don't think you can help me than that is fine! I just figured since I used to do your job and I could spot them then you could too. But I'll just do it!" To which I replied somewhere along the lines of "Its a credit card issue. How am I supposed to know it doesn't work until you charge?" So long story short... after this I started highlighting the credit card expiration dates above 2010 before I gave them to her.)

OK... now reenactment (Keep in mind I was on the phone during this argument):

Mario: Did you stop sending the customers the expiration date e-mail?
Me: I haven't had any.
Mario: But you highlighted this one.
Me: That one didn't say expired.
Mario: The system doesn't recognize anything above 2010.
Me: In my experience, if the credit card expiration date is too far in the future then it shows in the system as expired. That one didn't say expired so I moved it forward to you.
Mario: Well experience isn't always the best judgment! The system doesn't recognize anything from 2010 and up!
Me: Well since it doesn't say that its expired I don't know that it doesn't work until you charge it.
Mario: Well they all come up as declined!
Me: Well this is the first time you've said anything! How was I supposed to know??

At that point we stopped talking and said nothing to each other for the rest of the day. Mind you - we'd already been minimimally speaking for the whole week.

That night I decided to be the better person and so when I came in the next day I said, "Mario, what, again, are the expiration dates that I should send the Expiration Date e-mail to?"

To which Mario replied sweetly, "Oh don't worry about it. I'll just take care of them."

Did she give up being a bitch for Lent?